It's good to know the XKR's success here in the states hasn't gone totally unnoticed at the Jaguar factory. However, I wish they'd just go ahead and build the XK-RS instead of offering all these different "special editions" that really don't offer a whole lot in the way of performance (aka: the Silverstone edition, the Victory edition, etc.). Jaguar hasn't blessed us with a racing engine equipped road car in a while, and a 5 liter, 550hp supercharged XKR seems like it would be a perfect way to follow the XK-SS. Where is Brian Lister when you need him?
I think, that Jaguar had many special series based on Jaguar XK8 - Silverstone etc... but big problem is, that engine is same like in serial car, Jaguar change only disks, details in interier and thats all((