s tím Xkem to jsou jenom zvesti - nic nepotvrzeného ani vyvraceneho - z našich zdrojů víme, že nástupce Xka bude nejdřív 2008-2009, že to bude zadokolka + 4x4 jako volba, hybriní konstrukce 50:50 hjliník:ocel, nebude to celohliník, bude konečně kompressor. Jestli si nejaci novinari potrebuji vyplnit sloupek v jejich novinach, to je jejich problém. Toto řikam jen Vam, na verejnych diskuzich at si pisou co chavně at se o Jaguaru mluví resp. pise co nejvic a klidne i negativne.
koukam na Super V8 - to je naprosta bomba, kdy ho budete mit na salonu? vypada skvele Co vinecko-skarpa? dopadlo to dobre? my jsme si uzasne zalyzovali - byla to naprosta bomba
To urcite taky jsem o tom uvazoval, pak mi ale ucetni prinesla danetakze nova kola nebudou, ale zato si muze nekdo socialne slaby prijit zase na urad pro moje penize....
Kdyz bys vazne uvazoval o zmene kol, tak dej vedet. Fechtuv kolega ma docela dobrej kontakt na jednoho dovozce a napr.17" i s gumou se daji poridit(podle typu) okolo 10-11 kKc za kolo. Jo dane jsou pekny svinstvo:( Ja navic platim zalohy, takze jim platim 3x do roka a to je vazne na posr...:(
Jaguar omezil výrobu X-Typu pro klesající zájem 22.4. 2005 - Petr Broža
Jaguar dočasně pozastavil výrobu nejlevnějšího modelu X-Type pro snižující se zájem kupujících. Už minulý týden se vůz nevyráběl pět dnů, příští týden budou linky stát tři dny. Za první čtvrtletí tohoto roku se prodalo pouze 12 500 kusů vozu (což by znamenalo cca 50 tisíc kusů za rok), přičemž v loňském roce prodala automobilka 66 tisíc kusů a v roce 2002 dokonce 74 tisíc.
Je pravděpodobné, že prodeje řady X snižuje nedostatek karosářských verzí, v nabídce je pouze sedan a kombi, zatímco BMW a Mercedes-BMW už léta nabízí v této třídě kupé a kabriolet. Automobilka si v souvislosti s omezením výroby rychle pospíšila s prohlášením, že ji v žádném případě nečeká stejný osud, jaký potkal MG Rover. Omezování produkce je pouze reakcí na poptávku a nemá smysl tvořit nadprodukci.
Automotive News Europe notes that there seems to be no sign of a replacement for the Jaguar X-Tyoe. Ford's Premier Automotive Group Chairman Mark Fields said at the recent New York Show that "we have not started thinking about what to do with the next-generation X-type - we have some other fish to fry in terms of product planning", and supplier sources confirm that they have not so far been asked to quote for anything to do with a redesigned model.
Jaguar X-Type 17 - 2.0d Sport.
Perhaps not too much should be read into this. There would not be a new X-Type until 2009 at the earliest, since the car has an unusually long product cycle of eight years, starting in 2001. New models can be developed so quickly these days, thanks almost entirely to computer design advances, that there's still time. No wonder Fields has other things to think about in the meantime.
Even so, the X-Type is not selling the way it was intended to. Jaguar's global sales target for its cheapest model is 100,000 units annually, and it has never come close to that. This is partly because the US, one of Jaguar's two major markets, sales have been falling since the X-Type's first complete year; back in 2002 it sold 33,018 units, but by 2004 this had fallen to 21,542.
The other important region for Jaguar is western Europe, and here 2004 was by far the best year so far for the X-Type, with 38,343 units sold. But any other result would have been seen as a complete disaster, since in 2004 Jaguar introduced diesel and estate options for the car, both of which increased its appeal to European customers. Automotive News Europe notes that western European sales this February were 34% lower than they were in the same month last year.
No further changes are scheduled for the X-Type over the next four years. Whether or not the model will continue after that is still in doubt. A company source has suggested that Jaguar will once more start concentrating entirely on high-priced luxury vehicles - in which case the X-Type will come to be seen as an eight-year experiment which didn't work.
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